
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Nigerian Dwarf Progression

I just wanted to take a moment and show each of our Nigerian Dwarf does progression since we got them as tiny babies early last year. (2012)  This was taken as a group shot of all four does when I finally thought they were big enough to not be carried off by hawks.  I didn't let them out side till they got this large.  I had invested all my money from the sale of my old herd into them.  To much to take even the slightest chance. They were very tiny when we got them all.  The oldest I think at 2 weeks old and the youngest at 4 days old. 
The first two goats I purchased at the same time from Double Durango Farms in Loganville GA.  This is Abundance as a small kid.  She was the first goat I made a commitment to.
Here she is at breeding size. (above) and what her udder looks like right now three weeks before kidding. Sorry she would not be still for me.  I wouldn't either if someone was trying to take a picture from behind me. :)
The next Nigerian I bought at the same time as Abundance from the same farm and that was Plenty.  Below is Plenty as a baby.
Below is Plenty at breeding size.
Below is her udder taken just today three weeks before freshening.
The third goat I bought was Bounty from Little Tots Estate.  She was very smallish from the start and has always been fine boned.  She is so very cute.  Probably the cutest on the farm.  But also the only one I am considering culling.  I will give her a few weeks after freshening before I make that call.  Below is a picture of Bounty as a baby.
And below at breeding size.
Below is a very bad shot of Bounty's udder three weeks before kidding.  
The forth goat I wanted badly.  Her mother was just awesome and was at Double Durango.  But the owner was not sure if she was retaining all kids that season or not.  She e-mailed and said she would sell me one.  Yippee!  So we went and got Milky Whey.  I don't have a great shot of her as a baby other than in the top picture in this post.  Below is her at breeding size.
I am loving her udder and teats already.  Below is her udder four weeks before her due date.
I am retaining anything she has buck or doeling.  Everyone else is going to have to see if they do well or not for me to keep a baby out of them or they themselves.

I am so excited to see all the kids, final udders and production over the next many weeks.  I'll keep you all informed. I just flipped my calendar over and saw on it the date I put the buck in with this group of does.  It was January 24th.  I also witnessed Milky Whey in heat on February 1st and wrote it down.  So she is due July 1st.  Not June as I had thought.  So any time after the 24th of this month we should start having them deliver their kids.  Goats gestation is a full five months. 

Blessings and happy farming,

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