
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Raising a Raised Bed

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  Not to warm, not to cool.  The sky was over cast so very nice to work outside in.  The only bad thing was pollen is thick yellow everywhere.  I guess we do need a good rain to wash it all away.  I have stopped hanging out the laundry till it is gone.

Being it was so nice I of course called a free day from home schooling and we attacked a project I have been wanting to get to for a while.  As you know last year the Lord helped the children and I build some very nice raised beds.  I had one (its really two side by side) very low raised beds I had built a few years ago.  I used it for an herb garden and growing onions and garlic. When the garden beds are that low here, where we live, it is a constant battle to keep the Burmuda from taking over the whole thing.  First we removed the Italian flat leave parsley to another location and the bunching onions.
So,  I enjoyed gardening so much in the taller raised beds I decided to raise this one up this year as well and be done with it.  I should have no more huge building projects after this and I will have everything up at waist level to grow veggies in.  Ok, your right.....I always have projects going on around here!!  :) This is William and Zeke helping me build the parts to the new bed.  We are building right on the old bed timbers so it was a bit tricky to get all the measurements correct.
 Zeke and Carolyn holding up the back for me.
First bed complete.  We then took a quick lunch break and started on the next one.  It was supposed to rain the whole day.  But God was gracious and held it off so we could work I think.  :)
Second bed almost done! My hard workers, William, Carolyn and Zeke!
Tada! Now to cut off the extra pieces and put up the fencing on the back.
William and I took turns cutting off the extra.
Fencing on the back!
Thank you dad, he filled it right up with good soil from our composting heap for me!
The beds we did were the ones on the far end in fresh looking wood.  God was so good to us.  He helped myself and three kids get this whole project done in one day and Dad even filled it with soil from our compost heap for me, so I can get it planted this week!  Glory to God!  I went to bed grateful, amazed, tired and a little sore.  :)

2 Chronicles 15:7  Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.


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