
Friday, April 19, 2013

Pollen, Pollen Everywhere!

It was another beautiful day here in the North Georgia mountains yesterday.  The Lord helped us get so much done.  I am grateful. He helped me get all this weeded.  As I worked I could see the yellow haze in the air of yellow pollen.  After being out in it for just a short time my skin was gritty with it.
                I weeded around the blueberry bushes we planted last year. 

The kids cleaned out the chicken coop and put clean fluff in there for the chickens.  They also took several loads of weeds (chickweed and henbit) and branches down to the compost pile for me. As they worked they were all covered with yellow pollen.

I have an old water troth that was leaking I am going to plant some things in and some half barrels.  The kids didn’t finish, but started filling them with soil from an old compost heap. 

While they did that, I weeded and trimmed all the ornamental beds.  Also trimmed and picked up branches.  We lost a few blueberry bushes I planted last year and a young cherry tree this winter. I plan on replanting.
On Wednesday evening I planted one of the beds we raised up in the last post with four Triple Crown Blackberry bushes and in front of those, two kinds of strawberries.  One is an ever-bearing variety and the other a June bearing variety. 
The pollen is very thick in the air and yellow gritty like a fine layer of dirt all over everything.  I can’t hang out the laundry because of it.  The ponies nostrils are yellow with it.  It is hanging yellow and hazy in the air.  The pool cover is covered with it.  It has even worked its way into the house.  On the furniture and floors.  If one of the kids puts on socks the bottoms get yellow from the fine layer of pollen on the floors!   I was so glad to get so much done yesterday as the forecast was for rain today.  It is raining as I type this.  Hopefully this rain will wash all the pollen out of the trees and air and give us all some relief.  I know many people that are suffering from allergies from all the pollen.  Praise God none of us have that trouble so much.

I guess because it is raining today, it forces me to stay inside and get to cleaning my very neglected house.  I have put off my normal cleaning and keeping it tidy because the days have been so lovely this week.  I just could not stay inside.  We were all outside from early morning till evening.   It has felt soooo good because we had to stay inside so much this winter with lots of cold and rainy days.  So it feels wonderful to get outside and get dirty again!  God is so good.

May God richly bless you as you live, learn and grow in Him, 


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