
Sunday, September 29, 2013

End of September - The Begining of Fall!

September has just flown by.  A few more days and it will be October already!  Here in the North Georgia Mountains it has been chilly at night and the leaves are beginning to change color.  Many leaves are actually coming down already.  

I over worked myself this summer and have taken a break from a lot of yard and garden work this month.  My beds are over grown with weeds and morning glories. 
My flower beds full of weeds as well.  But I am feeling more rested and ready to prepare the farm for winter.

We did get the whole outside of the house washed for the year so that was a big job. 

Our batch of roosters are about grown and ready to butcher. 
We order a batch of heavy breed roosters once a year to raise and put in the freezer for winter. 
The assortment this year was gorgeous. 
Roosters are beautiful anyways but some of these are just stunning in the sunlight. 
I had bought five bags of feed at the beginning of the month and when we get down to one bag we will start butchering 8 a week till they are all done.

Every other week I stew down one or two roosters from the freezer and make huge pots of soup.  The one on the left is chicken and dumplings.  The one on the right is chicken soup with millet and quiona instead of pasta.  As Zeke is on a gluten free diet.  We also blend that one up in a blender to put into Antonio's g-tube.  Good eats and good nutrition for my family.

I got all of the kid goats, that were born this spring and summer, that we were not keeping, sold or given away.  So I only have to winter the ones we were wanting in our herd.  Milky Whey came into heat last week so I bred her to Sergent Pepperbox.  Hopefully she settled.  I will know in less than two weeks.  If she comes back into heat I will repeat the breeding.  I am waiting on Amelia to come into heat so as to breed her as well.  They will give me my spring and summer milk for 2014.

This is one of the bucklings that we kept from this years kid crop.  He is built really nice and his mom a great milker!  Plenty is his mom.  Can't wait to use him on some does next year!

I have a lot to get in place before winter comes to town.  Stacking wood on the porch and covering the wood piles to keep them dry.  Mucking out, cleaning and organizing the whole barn for winter.  Stripping all the gardens of weeds and manuring them all.  Cutting back the grape arbors.  We also have some fencing to mend and reenforce. Hopefully I will have more energy in October and not be so lazy around the farm!

Blessings! and happy farming!


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