
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chicks 5 1/2 Weeks

      Our spring 2013,  5 1/2 week old, White leghorn pullets.(there are a few commercial blacks too)

                   The same white leghorn chicks when they were one day old.

Well, those sweet, cute and fuzzy babies have grown into fully feathered young pullets.  They now look like mini versions of their adult counterparts.  I always enjoy watching them grow and change from week to week.  They truly develop right before our eyes.  Spring would not be spring around here without baby goats, baby chicks and small, bright, green garden seedlings.

As many of you know we started out with our chicks in the brooder.

Then to the grow out pens that I built out of PVC and hardware mesh.

I have been watching them alot lately and noticed that they are not staying under the light anymore hardly at all.  Even with the cooler night temperatures.  I also see they are getting a bit over crowded.
 So it is time to move them to the next step up here on the farm and that is into a barn stall.  I have a barn stall with a secure outside access.  The perimeter fencing is chain link.  Right now these chicks could squeeze thru the chain link but I put them in this stall so that in a few weeks when they are a bit bigger I can let them outside during the day and shut them in at night.
                     Carolyn spreading pine chips for the young pullets.
Carolyn helps me alot in all I do.  She is going to be a wonderful wife someday for someone.  She is a hard worker and since she is by my side helping me so often, she knows how to do a lot.  She is the best of all my children at gently catching chickens, geese and ducks!  She loves animals.
 White leghorn pullet,My beautiful daughter, Commercial black pullet.
             Very happy pullets with a new clean stall and alot more room!

Psalms 3:3  But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.


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